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Rite of blessing the flame

Rite of blessing the flame

On December 25th, 2021: Assisted by Monsignor Raphael Traboulsi , the primate of the Chaldean church in Lebanon, Bishop Michel Kassarji, celebrated the rite of blessing the Magi’s flame and the divine liturgy at the Archangel Raphael Cathedral in Baabda – Brazilia, in presence of the Chaldean Syrian, Lebanese and…

Bishop Kassarji appeals to the Chaldean church

Bishop Kassarji appeals to the Chaldean church

The primate of the Chaldean church in Lebanon Bishop Michel Kassarji appealed in four languages to the Chaldean church parishioners in Lebanon and the world, in addition to all the Tele Lumiere TV viewers. He urged them to support Noursat’s mission entitled “we won’t stop, we will continue”, describing the…